A better story than that tortuous title suggests!
Mmmm, pointy
I was surprised - perhaps you will be too!
A story in 3 acts
Engineers - write more text
Reflection isn't always slow
I'm rooting for the underdog
No lock was held in the creation of this empty slice
Why did nobody tell me about this?
Evil is in the eye of the beholder
What happens when I'm left alone for too long
Some sequences have been shortened
Adventures for the indoors
Just write a benchmark
Sprintf is not always fastf
Mmmm, pointy
Please don't
Grace is overrated
Interfaces are not without overhead
Prefer composition over inheritance, but with JSON both of them can get in the sea.
A story about strings that might even be true.
Over my years working with Go I stumble across more and more reasons why having a large amount of data in memory in Go is a headache.
Always be benchmarking
distributionless linux.
*Not really 60 lines
Perhaps it’s for storing strings?
Don't feel bad